How to Make Shatter Safely from the Comfort of Your Home

How to make Shatter

The only thing growing about cannabis is its popularity. Since eternity, the glorious plant has always been there to take us from higher ground to the next. However, a more potent cannabis product you have to know about is shatter. So now, before we learn how to make Shatter, let us get to know what it is first before our spiritual journey begins.

What is Shatter?

Shatter is a yellow or umber solid form of cannabis concentrate. The product is also known as wax or hash oil among users. Dabbing or taking a dab would be what you call consuming the glassy miracle. The name “shatter” originates from the fact that the concentrate looks like glass and may shatter into a million pieces when dropped. However, the only thing we will be dropping here is some knowledge on how to make Shatter. So let’s get down to it.

How to Make Shatter

We are not breaking bad, but today we will use some Walter White level of professionalism to make this product. Thank you, science. There are two methods of making Shatter;

  1. Solvent-based extraction
  2. Solvent-free extraction

a) Solvent-Based Extraction (Butane)

What you will need:-

  • Butane canister
  • One ounce of weed
  • Coffee filters
  • Pyrex dish
  • Parchment paper
  • Double boiler
  • Razorblade
  • Cylindrical extraction tube

Step 1: Grind the Weed

Ground marijuana provides more surface area for any reactions to take place. Dab-worthy concentrates have to be made correctly right from the start. The weed should be dry and not too fresh whenever you are turning them into shreds. Learn how to grind weed because it is a ritual-like activity that blesses the weed and prepares the gates for your entry when the Shatter is ready.

Step 2: The Extractor

After grinding the weed, it is time to place them inside the extractor. The extractor is a glass container that creates an air-tight environment for the solvent to saturate the weed. The tube has a small hole through which you will stuff the weed before the process begins.

Ensure the weed is tightly packed in the tube to avoid any air pockets and get the best out of the extraction process. In addition, a tightly packed tube ensures the butane fully saturates the marijuana.

Step 3: Saturate with Butane

For the extraction method to work, one end of the tube needs to have a small hole, and the other, a cap with several holes and the coffee filter. Carefully and gently spray or blast the butane through the top part of the tube until you consume the designated amount. A grey and thick brown honey oil should drip from the bottom of the tube. When you see the dripping, your glass dish should be ready because it’s going down.

Step 4: Evaporate

When we get to this process, it means we are close to seeing the glass. This step, however, is a very hazardous process and requires maximum concentration to avoid any accidents. So the goal at the moment is not to go to real heaven.

Fill the double boiler and place it on a hot ELECTRIC range. Now, I will stress this again; the range should be electric and not a gas stove. The Pyrex container will heat the potent concentrates allowing the butane gas to evaporate and leave behind the Shatter.

The fumes from the cannabis concentrates are poisonous and should not be inhaled. Instead, you should consume Shatter once the fumes are all gone. You will know the Shatter is ready when the Shatter stops bubbling.

Step 5: The Remaining Butane

It is time to vacuum purge the leftover butane because it is highly flammable. Use a three cfm one-stage vacuum pump. Place the butane hash oil in a glass dish inside the chamber. Ensure the layer in the dish is thin enough. The butane will be sucked off the hash to leave a good final product. Use a thermometer to tell the temperature in the chamber to avoid burning up the oil under high temperatures.

Step 6: Scrape

With the glorious heavenly lights shining upon you, it is time to harvest and enjoy the work of your hands. First, scrape the glass-like substance using a razor blade and place it on parchment paper to allow the cooling process to occur. The cannabis oil tends to be sticky and may require multiple razors for efficient scraping.

b) Solvent-Free Extraction

We can step away from the extreme sport of using butane and use an alternative way that has no risk of explosions and deadly fumes. In this method, you will know how to use Kief, a powdery substance that collects at the floor of the grinder every time you are done pounding some weed. Kief is highly potent. Hence a must-have ingredient for this recipe.

What you will need:-

  • Kief
  • Hair straightener
  • wax paper or parchment paper
  • Oven mitts or a piece of cloth

Step 1: Kief

Pour the plant matter on the inside square of parchment paper. Ensure the plant material is constrained in a neat square shape. Extraction methods work best when instructions are followed to the latter.

Step 2: Fold the Parchment

If you are a cannabis plant enthusiast, you are good at folding things. However, for the pressure and heat to work, you need to fold the cannabis nicely. Once all the Kief is locked inside, wrap the paper with another paper to ensure everything is enclosed.

Step 3: Heat and Pressure

Set the hair straightener to its lowest setting and allow it to heat for a while. Once the heat is significant, place the parchment paper inside the weed in between the two hotrods. Apply pressure to the two hot rods by pressing down on them. You need to wear oven mitts before doing this to avoid getting burns on your hands.

Step 4: Unfold

Once you are done heating, you will notice that the cannabis extract has turned into honey-colored liquid wax. The wax will have escaped the inside square, and just like that, you have made Shatter. It is time to get lit.

How to Consume Shatter

There are multiple ways of consuming Shatter after you are done cooking. As a cannabis connoisseur who has proven themselves, it is time to get the ultimate reward. You can use a dab rig to consume the Shatter.

Need a hot nail, a surface to place the wax, a rig filled with water, and a mouthpiece for inhaling the smoke. You can make a carb cap to achieve low-temperature dabs.

You can use a vape pen to vape the homemade Shatter. You can line your joint with Shatter before smoking as well. Ensure the Shatter is not exposed directly to the flames to avoid burning the concentrate.

Cooking shatter at home does not stop in the lab but goes straight into your kitchen for some real cooking with real food. You can cook your favorite meals using Shatter by first infusing the cannabis concentrate with oil or butter. However, remember that exposing the Shatter to high temperatures may weaken the concentrate a little bit.

Frequently Asked Questions About Shatter

i) Does Making Shatter Break any State Laws?

Depending on where you are physically, it might or might not be illegal to buy and consume cannabis according to the local laws. How you consume cannabis is what will lead you to make Shatter in the first place. Therefore, establish the legality first, then fly.

ii) Does Shatter Make you High?

Being a cannabis extract, Shatter is bound to make you high. Shatter contains up to 60% THC, 40% more than you will find in most normal strains. Shatter will make you high fast and with an intensity that I can not explain, as you may understand. You have to get there to get it.

iii) Shatter Vs. Wax?

Shatter is more potent than marijuana wax. However, when it comes to a good smell, the wax takes the day with an aroma that beats Shatter. Shatter is a more processed version than wax and is therefore stronger.

iv) Do I have to Use Butane to Make Shatter?

As we have established, you do not need to use butane to make Shatter. Using butane is a more dangerous process with a high risk of starting a fire or causing an explosion. However, it is a natural rule that a high reward comes with a high risk most of the time. Therefore, you can use different methods to come up with Shatter. Try not to invent new methods, though, to stay on the safe side.

v) How do I Know Shatter is Bad?

The smell will tell you everything. A stronger smell means the cannabis is top-notch. Fresh Shatter will not leave any doubts in your mind once you smoke or consume it. The more you smoke, the easier it will be to know whether the Shatter is good or bad.

vi) What are the Side Effects of Using Shatter?

Now, let’s be honest. There is nothing that has no side effects. Even water has side effects if taken in excess. Therefore, it is good to be careful when consuming any strain or extract of the cannabis.

Shatter can lead to a sinus infection or bronchitis. For asthmatic fellows, Shatter can trigger an attack. It is therefore advised that you be careful when consuming the thing. We are here to have fun, not to die.

Shatter can cause an increase in blood pressure and heart rate. The plant material can be potentially dangerous for people who have a history or a potential for cardiac arrest.

You can get a sore throat or irritated airways. You can experience pain that leads to spasms and narrowing. Bloodshot eyes can be a potential side effect of Shatter.

v) What are the Benefits of Shatter?

The cannabis industry boasts of a strong community. A strong culture comes with consuming cannabis. Cannabis is a good recreational plant that will set you back only a few bucks. Once you know how to make Shatter at home, it is even cheaper to consume it as you can make enough to consume in all the different ways. Making Shatter is slowly becoming a life skill.

The plant matter needs to get to the bloodstream for the full effects to kick in. Shatter is a fast way of getting the extract cannabinoids into the bloodstream. Shatter helps you get the most out of a small amount of cannabis plant matter, saving you more for future use.

Shatter is safer to use as you do not have to inhale the smoke and everything that comes with it. All you need is to inhale the vapor and get the results there and then. Shatter is more stable, hence the ability to give instantaneous results. Once out of the extraction tube, you can be sure you have power in your hands that other strains will not be able to provide.

Measure out individual uses to avoid overuse and keep a good consistent high. Anyone with a preexisting medical condition should take precautions before consuming Shatter.

vi) Can Dabbing Cause Hallucinations?

Yes. Dabbing can cause hallucinations, loss of consciousness, and blackouts. Paranoia can kick in once every while. As long as you master the art of taking well-measured doses, you will be okay.

Final Take

Going back to making Shatter, we have to insist that you need to find alternative extraction methods before settling on using butane. Solventless extraction methods are safer and quicker than using butane. Furthermore, using butane indoors is something you should not even think about. Butane is highly flammable and does not need an open flame to ignite.

Butane is a highly explosive gas. However, you do not need to put the house and the people around you at risk when making Shatter. Use butane outdoors at all times and do not take any risks while making Shatter.

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